Finding and Acquiring Land
Looking for the perfect location for your dream cohousing community? Our expert team has you covered. With our focus on finding spacious, amenity-rich sites in walkable areas, we’ll help you build the perfect multi-family complex. And with our expertise in feasibility budgeting and design, we’ll make sure everything is set up to be just right.
Project Management
Are you ready to make your cohousing community a reality, but don’t know where to start? Let us take care of the complex and important details!
Our expert team works with various consultants and our in-house staff to provide initial project management, legal setup, feasibility analysis, and design and development workshops. We’ll even help you open a group bank account. With us on your side, you can rest easy knowing that everything is being taken care of with precision and expertise.
Looking for the inside scoop on the newest and best cohousing sites? With our expert team, you’ll be the first to know about exciting new opportunities. And when we find the perfect site, we get off to a fast start with websites, social media, and direct emailing, so you can stay informed every step of the way. Plus, our team can quickly develop and distribute educational and marketing materials to keep you up-to-date. Don’t miss out on your dream cohousing community – let’s get started today!
Our References
We are in good company.